An online political bout has led one Guilderland official to level charges of identity theft as election season nears, saying the events have led him to fear for his family’s safety.
Guilderland Town Supervisor Ken Runion said that his name has showed up on 50 or more [Web] sites, and he and his wife are fearful of the implications.
He said people who are not `sophisticated` enough to know he is not responsible for some of the messages on the Internet might act maliciously against him.
`It makes me fear for my own safety,` said Runion, a Democrat.
Runion also said he is `leaning toward` not running for re-election, citing the distracting nature of a campaign and the potential for more `Web wars,` although no decision has been formally announced.
`I’m being bullied and badgered and attacked,` he said, referring to a number of Web sites in his and the town’s name that call his leadership into question.
Republican Councilman Warren Redlich, sponsors one of those Web sites, Redlich said he started the site to illuminate what he said was the `truth` about what goes on in the town of Guilderland.
`It’s fact backed up with evidence,` Redlich said. `[It shows] what he says about [issues] in one place, and what he says about them in another.`
Runion, in response, has started the Web site, which provides his take on town politics. He said he does not often use the Internet, but these are extenuating circumstances.
`I don’t normally get involved with the Web. Right now it’s just a total distraction, and I’ve got too many other things to deal with,` Runion said.
Other Web sites, such as and that deal with town issues are also the sources of controversy. Online records show that Runion’s name, address and e-mail account were used to create the sites, however, Runion maintains that his identity was illegally used to create them.
Redlich said he suspects Runion is actually the one behind those sites and is `covering his tracks` when it comes to content on the Internet.
Runion said those charges were simply not true.
`Mr. Redlich can say what he wants. The Internet and Web is a strange thing. I’m not going to get into it. I’m concentrating on getting things done for the town,` said Runion.
Redlich said that if Runion is concerned that his personal information was used to create the Web sites, he should contact the proper authorities.
`I think Ken Runion should call the feds,` said Redlich, who agreed that if someone used Runion’s information and e-mail account to start the site, it should be addressed.
Runion said Redlich’s site,, also seems like a case of identity theft, although Redlich disagreed. He said domain names are public, and the nature of politics allows for the free flow of information.
Redlich said the growing phenomenon of Web-based campaigning is a result of the speedy and widespread delivery of messages the medium provides.
He said, though, it is not the only avenue for communication, and it is still important to communicate with constituents in other ways.
On his site, Redlich addresses several issues, including increasing property taxes, secretive government and the connection between Runion and former police chief James Murley.
Murley recently accepted a plea bargain on charges of gambling at an Upstate casino while on town time, and has been involved in claims of sexual harassment.
`The reality is Ken Runion bears some responsibility for Murley,` Redlich said on Friday, March 13. `We want the town governed well.`
Runion countered that he did everything in his power to address the situation.
`As soon as an issue was brought to my attention about Mr. Murley, I took action,` Runion said. `I believe that I did whatever was in my power.`
Redlich has also accused Runion of contradicting himself, claiming Runion stated in February that he anticipated a decline in sales tax, while in November, he stated it was on the rise.
Runion said, though, changes in the economy account for the discrepancy.
Runion said the recent Web fracas has left him seriously considering whether he wants to seek re-election come fall.
`I’ve been thinking about it long and hard. I owe the residents more. I really need to focus on my job,` Runion said. `[The Republicans] will do anything and everything to get control.`
Redlich said he is not planning to run for supervisor, although he has considered it, but his support would probably lie with a fellow Republican.
`If [Councilman] Mark [Grimm] is running, I am supporting Mark,` Redlich said.