The Federal Election Commission (FEC) has released a schedule indicating when candidates in the 20th Congressional District special election must disclose their campaign finances to the federal watchdog.
The pre-general reporting period will run until March 11, and candidates Scott Murphy, D-Glens Falls, and James Tedisco, R-Schenectady, must have filed their reports by March 19. Independent candidate Eric Sundwall will be required to do the same, assuming he can collect the 3,500 signatures required to get on the ballot.
Any contributions received between March 12 and March 28 must be reported to the FEC within 48 hours of receipt. The candidates are required to report all campaign contributions and expenditures.
In normal election years, there are several reporting periods. The truncated nature of this special election does not provide time for multiple reports before the polls open, though.
The FEC post information from the reports it receives on its Web site,
November’s race between Kirsten Gillibrand and Sandy Treadwell was one of the most expensive Congressional contests in the nation, with about $11.5 million spent between the two campaigns.