Local developers Keystone Builders said they are ready to start developing the Verstandig’s site in Delmar as soon as their plans get approval from the town.
Planning Board members heard an update from Stephen Bolduc on Keystone Builders proposal to build 40 high-end condos on the Verstandig’s Florist lot off of Delaware Avenue. Bolduc originally brought his plans to the planning board in early February last year, and a public hearing was held last March.
The units will sell between the $375,000 and $450,000 range, according to Bolduc, who said the plans have been three years in the making, but `in some ways, the delays have given me time to look at it [plans] and enhance it.`
`We’re ready to go,` he said of the proposed four-phase build out.
Bolduc wants to transform the 5-acre lot at 445 Delaware Ave. into nine,
two-story buildings with 40 condominiums. A little more than 2 of the 5 acres would remain green space. There are greenhouses, a florist shop and a home currently on the lot, which are slated for demolition in Bolduc’s plans.
Owner Robert Verstandig plans to expand his Selkirk operation on Creble Road and is waiting until Keystone Builders gets final approval before he officially sells the property to Bolduc.
Saratoga Associates architectural and engineering firm is working with Bolduc on the plans.
There will be 64 parking spaces, up from the required 60 spaces, and a circular access road to Delaware Avenue that will allow for two-way traffic. A stormwater basin is to be built underground in order to collect runoff and storm water.
The biggest concern of local residents is excessive runoff water, stormwater management and traffic. The stormwater management plan is currently being revised and should be available in the next couple of weeks.
`We are definitely aware of these concerns,` Bolduc said.
Planning Board member John Smolinsky said he wanted to see the finalized storm water plans.
`There’s an issue in the neighborhood on how this project will affect it,` he said, `it is important whether it is a positive or negative affect.`
Smolinsky also raised concerns about Keystone already bringing fill into the site before receiving planning approval.
`It’s all on the up and up here. The town’s fully aware,` Bolduc told Smolinsky. `We’re not excavating, we’re just dumping fill there.`
Keystone is currently taking fill from other job sites and bringing it to Verstandig’s lot because one side of the property needs to be built up significantly, Bolduc said. His company has a grading permit from the town, which was granted because the requirement for erosion sediment control was met.
Director of Economic Development and Planning Michael Morelli said Bolduc was in compliance with town code.
`There is no excavating going on,` Morelli said. `The thought was, ‘Why truck it through town twice?’`
Smolinsky responded by saying, `I guess I read the zoning code differently than you,` to which Morelli answered, `I guess you do.`
The hours of construction were also brought up during the discussion.
`In order to do this we have to have work hours to complete this project. We want it done as soon as possible,` Bolduc said he proposed a 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. work schedule from Monday through Saturday. No work will be done on Sundays, and Saturday hours may be cut down some.
Bolduc said the project would take two or three years to complete.
`It’s going to be inconvenient. I’m sorry but there’s going to be some inconvenience involved,` he concluded.
Smolinsky said he likes the project overall, but proper discussion was needed to ensure all the angles of the project and potential impacts were thoroughly researched.
`This is a very good project,` he said. `It is important to have a very good project in very good neighborhood.“