Niskayuna residents will be able to discuss their town and its government in a casual, intimate setting at the first meeting of the Niskayuna Concerned Citizens group scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 19, at 7 p.m. at the Niskayuna town library.
I think the purpose is to get town residents together to discuss their concerns, said Linda Rizzo, one of the residents who organized the meeting. `Also, you have people who have concerns and they can’t make [Town Board] meetings, and they feel uncomfortable about speaking out.`
Rizzo said she hopes that residents will feel relaxed and comfortable speaking out in this small setting, and that it provides an alternative or a second time outside of scheduled Town Board meetings for residents to speak.
`I think it’s important that residents have a voice in their government,` said Rizzo.
Rizzo and fellow organizer Lorene Zabin said they want as many citizens as they can gather to show up ` political orientation is a non-issue.
`If you’re a concerned citizen, let’s get together. It’s informal. The gal I’m doing this with is registered in one party, I’m registered in another party,` said Zabin. `We don’t want it to be a partisan thing, but a Niskayuna thing.`
She noted strongly that the meeting is `not a gripe session.`
Topics Zabin and Rizzo would like to discuss include taxes, what the Niskayuna Central School District plans to do with the stimulus plan and more. Have a question or a concern about the Zoning Board? Bring it to the meeting. Have an issue concerning the Planning Board? Bring that up, too ` anything goes. They hope to discuss issues large and small.
`I like to bring things back to where people have a little bit more to say about this wonderful community, and that we don’t lose it — we don’t want to lose our ability to chart the waterways here,` said Zabin.
She gave an example of a community group she is involved with called the Troy Road Neighborhood Association, and noted the success this group has had with accomplishing the goal of keeping the road residential.
She said she hopes this group will have similar success with its endeavors.
`I find that when you band together, you get so many wonderful ideas, and then people will consider your thoughts,` said Zabin.
`If we get six or seven people there on Thursday, I’ll be very happy because to me, that’s a good start,` said Rizzo.
She encouraged residents to bring their neighbors.
The meeting will take place in the Niskayuna library on Nott Street and run from 7 to 8:15 p.m.
`It’s an opportunity to get some names, addresses, e-mails,` said Zabin. `If we encourage people to come to Town Board meetings and become familiar with it, it’s the first step of having any interest in your government.`
For information about the meetings, residents can call Zabin at 370-0572.“