The ample snow that has blanketed the Capital District this winter will provided the perfect backdrop for Saturday’s Winterfest celebration of winter at Indian Meadows Park in Glenville.
The event runs from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Feb. 7, and is free to the public.
James McFarland, parks and services supervisor for Glenville, said the event was canceled last year because of the lack of snow, and this year they are especially excited to bring the celebration back to the community. McFarland said he knows there are a lot of families struggling with the winter blues and economic hardships, and said the fresh air and loads of free activities at Winterfest provide the perfect remedy.
We have had a lot of volunteers that have made this happen, and we are anticipating a good turnout. The weather is supposed to cooperate, and it’s a great way to spend a Saturday the first weekend in February, sad McFarland.
McFarland said one volunteer has had a very special part in making the upcoming event come together. Twenty-four-year-old Greg Stevens has been donating his time and energy to caring for the cross-country trails at Indian Meadows. McFarland the trails were pretty much non-existent until Stevens took over maintaining them.
McFarland said that almost a daily people contact him to say how grateful they are to have the trails in the shape they are.
`The success of the cross-country trails has reached far beyond our expectations. It has gotten people out skiing again, and we cannot thanks Stevens enough,` said McFarland.
Stevens, who comes from a family of avid skiers, said he felt it was time to take advantage of the snow-covered grounds of Indian Meadows. He said she spends two to three hours a week working on the trails and has gotten to enjoy those times himself.
He said he has also received a few donations toward the cost of maintaining the trails. He will be at the Winterfest on Saturday and hopes to recruit additional volunteers.
`I really just thought it was something nice that I could do, and while doing something that I love,` said Stevens.
Arnold’s Dairy and Equestrian Farm will be providing horse-drawn sleigh rides at the event.
`If you have never been on one of these rides, it’s really something to check out. It’s so peaceful and all you can hear is the sounds of these beautiful horses trenching through the white snow,` said McFarland.
Activities will also include refreshments, ski lessons, snowshoe lessons, equipment demonstrations, skating, broomball, refreshments, a campfire, and a skydiving exhibition at 2 p.m. New to the program this year will be noncompetitive cross-country ski races for youths and adults.