Plans to update the Town of Niskayuna’s Web site were discussed at the Tuesday, Jan. 27, Town Board meeting.
Bill Lawrence, the director of information technology for the town, said that the Web site hasn’t been updated since 2003, and a new Web site will be more accessible to the residents of Niskayuna and easier for administrators to update.
The goal is to make it more task-oriented rather than goal-oriented so you don’t have to search the entire Web site to figure out what you want to do, said Lawrence.
The Web site will feature Google search technology, which is expected to simplify browsing and searching for items.
Other municipal sites powered by Massachusetts-based Virtual Town Hall, which will handle the update, feature the ability to change photos on the top of the site, easier and more direct access to the Web pages, and a calendar of events.
In other news, the10th annual Senior Snow Ball is scheduled for Sunday, Feb. 8 from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Niskayuna Recreation Center.
`It’s a perfect time for a snow ball with all the snow,` said board member Liz Orzel Kasper.
Admission to the event is free. Appetizers will be provided, as well as live music, dancing and door prizes, Transportation is available, and reservations are required. Those attending are required to R.S.V.P. by Friday, Jan. 30, by calling 372-2159.
`The Snow Ball is a really, really nice event because it brings in other seniors,` said Kasper. `What’s great about it especially is that it’s in the middle of the winter. It gets people out for a very festive occasion. The ladies get dressed up; there’s mingling.`
Kasper said seniors from all over gather at the ball to dance, and if people aren’t dancing with them, they’re entertained just by watching.
`It’s not the same old, same old,` said Kasper. `We love it because it brings out a whole different, new group, and if we can entice them to come to other activities that’s also good.`
Kasper also reported that the Senior Center has a new Wii video game console.
`You have to move and it’s wonderful, so we’re trying to put together a project for seniors who are a little younger,` said Kasper.
The Wii is not only introducing Niskayuna’s seniors to new technology, but it is also helping them get fit or stay in shape, thanks to the programs and games that encourage movement and exercise. Seniors can play everything from virtual tennis to virtual golf. They can also go virtual skiing or even do yoga.
`They absolutely love it. They love the bowling and the tennis even,` said Kasper.