Schalmont Central School District residents are invited to attend the first in a series of Budget Advisory Committee meetings on Wednesday, Jan. 28, at 6 p.m. in the Schalmont Middle School LGI Room, 2 Sabre Dr.
Over the coming weeks, the district residents who have volunteered to serve on the BAC will review the 2009-10 school budget proposal. Their role is to help the Schalmont Board of Education move it from the draft stage to a final proposal. All residents are welcome to attend the BAC meetings and ask questions about the annual school budget. Visit http://for a list of additional BAC meetings.
To help guide future presentations and discussions, the school board is conducting a survey to discover the school budget issues that residents would like to discuss or learn more about. To complete the survey, visit or look for a print version in an upcoming district newsletter. Completed surveys should be submitted by Wednesday, March 18.`