Much of Clifton Park is without water this morning, as a water main break near the intersection of Moe Road and Sugarbush Drive has disrupted service, according to the Clifton Park Water Authority.
A boil water advisory is in effect for the entire CPWA system as a precautionary measure, as some customers may experience negative-flow situations. Bring water to a rolling boil for at least one minute before consuming. Water for laundry and showering does not need to be treated.
The Arogen, Shatekon, Okte and Chango Elementery Schools in the Shenendehowa School District are affected by the advisory. District officials say that bottled water will be provided for students and disposable trays will be used in the lunchroom. Campus schools are on a well system and will not be affected.
Updates to the advisory can be found at the CPWA’s Web site,, or by calling 383-1122.`