John Silva, Town of Rotterdam board member, announced his resignation via e-mail to Town Supervisor Steven Tommasone on Monday, Jan. 19.
He said his reason for resigning is that his consulting business is growing more rapidly than he had expected, and with it has come a need to travel all over the country, from California to New Jersey. Silva said his travel schedule would have caused him to miss a number of Town Board meetings scheduled through at least April.
Tommasone said that he wishes Silva his best and hopes that he is very successful in his future endeavors.
He said that, from conversations he had with Silva, he knew that his consulting business was doing well, and that he’s happy for Silva’s success, and understands that he doesn’t have enough time to commit to the Town Board of Rotterdam at this time.
`We all have to make decisions. Obviously our primary roles, regardless of whether or not we’re in elected office, are with our families first and foremost. He had to make that decision, and I really enjoyed working with him on the board,` said Tommasone.
He said that he and Silva had a `very open relationship with very open dialogue` and that this was one of the things he admired most about Silva.
`We were able to come to agreements and negotiate what was necessary, and it was always very professional so there’s nothing but good things that I can say about him. We had a good working relationship,` said Tommasone.
In Silva’s letter of resignation, he wrote, `Unfortunately, changes in my professional career, including contract commitments that will require continued travel over the next four months, will force me to miss the majority of Town Board meetings scheduled through at least April.`
In his letter, he continued speaking positively of his time spent serving the town.
`I have truly loved my tenure as a member of the Town of Rotterdam and will miss the opportunity to serve my adopted town,` said Silva.
He noted that he didn’t think it was fair to the residents of his community to not have four active board members present at meetings.
`Resigning effective March 1, 2009, should afford the supervisor and remaining Town Board members ample time to select a suitable interim replacement,` said Silva.
He closed his letter by saying that it had been a pleasure working with all of the members of the Town Board, the supervisor and officials of Schenectady County and the `other dedicated members of Rotterdam’s elected and appointed municipal staff.`
The Town Board will appoint someone for the remaining term, and then in November, an official replacement will be elected and the appointed member will have the option of running.
Tommasone said that he believes whoever receives the least number of votes will fill Silva’s seat since they will be serving the shortest term.
`Every two years the supervisor and two town board seats are up for election. This year there will be a supervisor’s seat and three board seats up for election because of Silva’s departure,` said Tommasone.“