As Times Square shimmered with New Year’s Eve confetti and families watched New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg push the button that lowered the glistening ball, the streets of Colonie were relatively quiet, and town officials celebrated the new year with family and friends.
Town Supervisor Paula Mahan said she spent the holiday with her husband at home, on the couch, enjoying her family and celebrating the new year.
Mahan said her resolutions were mostly of a townwide nature: She resolved to maintain my focus on the priorities of the taxpayers of the Town of Colonie.
But as the first week of 2009 concludes, officials are sharing their resolutions for the year ahead and their appreciation of 2008.
Many resolutions for the new year remained the same as those made in 2008, like the one of Town Councilman Robert Becker.
`[My resolution is] to lose some weight,` he said. `That’s something I’m working on.`
Becker said he also resolves to try and manage his time better.
`I’m always running out of that,` he said.
Councilman Brian Hogan also said his resolution has not changed since last year.
`My resolution is to get a little bit healthier,` he said.
Some town officials have had ongoing resolutions.
Councilwoman Nicole Criscione-Szesnat emphasized the importance of her family and the community she lives in and said that in 2009, she hopes to resolve to keep her family safe and to help ensure the safety of members of her community.
`My priorities haven’t changed,` she said.
Councilman William Carl resolved to eat healthier, as well as help ensure the Town of Colonie stays on the positive financial track.
`We seem to have taken some good steps toward a little more fiscal responsibility, and I would hope that we keep doing that,` Carl said.
Many officials had resolutions that pertained to the residents of the town, but a few made resolutions on a more personal note.
Director of Town Operations Peter Gannon said his resolution is to use his Blackberry, a personal digital assistant and cellular telephone, less.
`Especially at the dinner table,` he said.
Town Attorney Michael Magguilli said his New Year’s resolution has not changed (and pointed out the irony in a New Year’s resolution that does not change).
His resolution, he said, was to quit smoking and to lose some weight.
Town Comptroller Craig Blair said his resolution is to spend more time with his friends and family.
Town Clerk Elizabeth DelTorto said her resolution is to learn to speak Italian.
`I would love to learn to speak Italian,` she said. `But I think part of the reason is to cook and bake the way my mother does.`
DelTorto said she had spent some time in Italy several years ago and wants to learn Italian also because her heritage is part Italian and part Irish.