The Town if Niskayuna’s Web site will be getting a facelift soon.
Powered by a company called Virtual Town Hall, based out of Framingham, Mass., the site will soon have a new look and added features designed to make life for residents of Niskayuna a little more convenient.
Niskayuna has been a client of ours for a number of years, so this Web site itself is not new, [but] it will be getting a major facelift here in the coming weeks, said Millard Rose, president of Virtual Town Hall.
Rose said the facelift involves a combination of the design, structure and layout of the site, including searching capability within the site and additional services.
`They can pick from survey capabilities, video streaming capabilities and a companion community Web site,` said Rose.
`We’re looking to update it in the near future, [but] we’re still in the early planning stages. We are looking to do a complete facelift with the new features and links and things, but it’s too early to say what exactly is going to change,` said Bill Lawrence, IT manager for the Town of Niskayuna.