Schenectady County Sheriff Harry Buffardi announced that he will be stepping down from his position soon to become a full-time assistant professor at Schenectady County Community College. He has not yet announced the official date of his career change.
Buffardi joined the Sheriff’s Department 36 years ago starting as a corrections officer, and was elected as sheriff in 1998. He will start teaching criminal justice at the college on Monday, Jan. 12. Buffardi said he wasn’t looking for change or even more money when he was offered the full-time position. He’s calling his new job a position of opportunity.
`I’m very much looking forward to doing this new job, and I think I can be useful in this position,` said Buffardi. `I bring with it a lot of work experience.`
Buffardi was elected to his third four-year term in 2006.
`I’m a little bit flexible in terms of staying on,` said Buffardi.
He said that he wants to allow for a good transition for the next person coming in, and he won’t be far if anyone needs help.
According to Schenectady County Attorney Chris Gardner, the governor will appoint Buffardi’s replacement, who will serve until a special election in November, when his official replacement will be selected.
`Under the statutes, it’s an appoint-ment by the governor, and it’s my understanding that the governor is going to review anyone who is interested in the position,` said Gardner.
Having taught criminal justice part-time at Schenectady County Community College for 13 years, Buffardi said he is familiar with the work he will now be pursuing full time.
`I’m familiar with the students and the program. I’m very comfortable working there. If I were going to do anything other than being the sheriff, it would be to do this,` said Buffardi. `It seems like a natural transition for me to go to this from criminal justice practitioner to criminal justice professor.`
Buffardi will be taking a cut in pay when he joins the world of academia full time.
`I am pursuing my retirement options to retire from one job and collect in the other,` said Buffardi. `That being said, I am not going to get rich doing this. I’ve actually had some other offers along the way that have paid much more money but have opted not to take them.`
He said a professorship is not a position a person takes on for the money, but rather for the love of what they’re doing.
Gardner said that since Buffardi will be retiring from his county position, he can probably pull from his pension.
Although Gardner said he understands that everyone needs a change of pace and that life takes people in different directions, saying goodbye to the sheriff comes with a bit of sadness.
`I was county chairman when Harry Buffardi got elected. I recruited him to run, and I think he’s done an outstanding job as sheriff, and we’re going to miss working with him,` said Gardner, `but I guess everyone at some point in their life likes to do something different, but I’m sure we’ll be seeing Harry active in other parts of the community including the college.`