Liz Kormos and Michael Naughton, the two original CZAC members who did not resign after controversy surrounding a potential conflict of interest involving Kormos, released a report on Monday, Dec. 8, to the New Scotland Town Board recommending a 50,000 square-foot size cap on retail buildings, according to written information provided by NS4SED.
The Commercial Zone Advisory Committee no longer has the three members required for a quorum.
The recommendations also include and 100,000 square foot cap on retail shopping centers.
Kormos, a commercial real estate consultant, provided the board with a market feasibility study that states the limitations of development based on `demographics and shopping patterns in the Town and surrounding areas,` according to information provided by the advocacy group New Scotlanders for Sound Economic Development. Kormos is a member of NS4SED.
`Since it is unclear whether the Town Board will replace the three members of CZAC that resigned and allow CZAC to complete its charge; Michael Naughton and I felt it was important that the Town Board see the analytical data that clearly shows that the proposed 100,000 sq. ft. retail building and a 350,000 sq. ft. shopping center is neither economically viable nor sustainable,` said Kormos.
The study showed that the largest size big-box retail store that could be supported in New Scotland is 36,000 square-feet, based on a `community draw,`10-miunute drive. It states that 18,000 new homes would be needed to support a 10,000 square foot retail store. It also states that a `regional` draw would not be supported because, there are simply too many other regional drawing stores within a 15-minute driving distance with access to major arterial or interstate roadways.
Supervisor Tom Dolin said the Wednesday, Dec. 10, Town Board meeting could feature a discussion of the matter, but he is unsure at this time.
`I’m going to communicate with the board informally. It’s very possible that it could be on the agenda, Dolin said. `I want to think about it; I want to read it first.`
The report also showed that 16,000 to 46,000 square feet of grocery store space could be supported.
`This report shows not only does the Comprehensive Plan dictate that no regional shopping be allowed in New Scotland, but also shows us that such a venture is not viable nor sustainable,` said Daniel Mackay, founding member of NS4SED.