As part of a project to encourage young people to volunteer, the Scotia-Glenville Choralaires will be seen on WMHT next March. The Choralaires are one of 11 regional school choirs invited to take part in musician and philanthropist Tim Janis’ special called Celebrate America.
The group met with Janis to record its portion of the show Tuesday, Oct. 28, under the direction of high school music teacher Jessica Crisci.
`Celebrate America` is a joint project involving Tim Janis, WMHT and, a Web site that provides information to young people about volunteering in their communities.
Crisci said it was a valuable learning experience for her students to meet and work with someone who has a resumE that includes working with accomplished actors and performers. Janis is most well known for his work that he calls `Music with a Mission.` His philanthropic projects have included working with Paul McCartney, Billy Joel, Ray Charles, Andre Previn, and The New York Philharmonic. He has also produced fundraising programs for PBS along with George Clooney and James Earl Jones.
Crisci said when she was first contacted by Janis about the project, she was apprehensive about adding something else to her students’ already strenuous schedule. However, she said, once she looked into what the project was about, she felt that the lesson in music and humanity was too great an opportunity to pass on.
`I have to admit I was reluctant at first,` said Crisci.
`This is such a busy time of year for us, preparing for the holidays. But as I did a little research, I thought about the fact that these kinds of opportunities don’t always come around, and I thought it would be a really memorable experience for the kids, so we went for it.`
The Choralaires travel each year to perform at an adjudicated festival to places like Virginia Beach, Washington, D.C. and Annapolis. They also received a `superior` rating for the past six years.
`Working with such a talented group of students is so exciting. I truly believe through music we can really inspire our own communities during these trying times,` said Janis.
Janis added that he is excited to have Do Something as a sponsor in the project.
`Do Something is an amazing organization for kids. It is the only organization that leverages communication technologies to enable teens to convert their ideas and energy into positive action. They inspire, empower and celebrate a generation of doers: teenagers, who recognize the need to do something, believe in the ability to get it done, and then take action,` said Janis.
Crisci said the students were equally enthusiastic about the project because it includes a television appearance but also because it makes them feel as though they are giving back.
High school student Tara Rule said that the program supports the American spirit, which she feels is more important now that ever.
`The song ‘We Shall Overcome’ has so much more meaning to me now due to what is happening with our nation’s economy,` said Rule.
`We’re excited to see it air in March. The kids all want to watch it together,` said Crisci.“