An ongoing debate about the reorganization of the town’s recreation department extended into a Thursday, Nov. 6, public hearing on the proposed 2009 Niskayuna town budget.
The budget includes an estimated 5.5 percent tax increase.
Town Supervisor Joe Landry broke down the proposed budget in a presentation, stating that most of the major circumstances leading to the tax increase include contractual salary increases, increased fuel and energy costs, increased benefit costs and increased salt and asphalt costs. Landry also said that non-property tax revenues are down.
The budget was met with mixed reviews by the public, but the hot topic continued to be the town’s Recreation Department. Part of the department’s reorganization involved staffing changes, which the board agreed would ultimately save the town money.
I think if we have to tighten our fiscal belts in our home [due to the economic crisis], I think the town has to do the same. I don’t know what process was used in developing this budget I don’t believe that any budget is without fat. I feel there’s something inherently wrong here, [and] I would hope you would reconsider this:I don’t believe this is vital to the town of Niskayuna, said Niskayuna resident Linda Rizzo.
Niskayuna resident Lorine Zabin spoke against the increase.`I have paid taxes with increases for 31 years ` we paid increased county, town, whatever ` and I think my purpose in coming tonight is to tell you that taxes need to be reduced. We have always taken care of the roads, we have always taken care of the children, we have always found money to buy new parks and new basketballs ` but the fact remains that after seeing some of the other communities in upstate New York and in the Tri-City area reducing their taxes increases to 0 percent, I was encouraged that perhaps Niskayuna would find in its heart a way to do the same thing,` said Zabin.
Kathleen Gansfus, director of the Recreation Department, said she was displeased with actions the town had taken in forming the budget.
`As a taxpayer I am outraged to know that in July of this year the town board voted three to one, with one member absent for personal reasons, to create a new parttime position in town government. I am outraged to know that this position was created because it was said that ‘there was nobody else presently working for the town who could be trusted and who was able to do this job,’ and that a town resident came to the town offices looking for a job,` said Gansfus.
`I am outraged to know that the position has primarily involved data entry into an online system and that this position pays $25 an hour. I am particularly outraged to know that the money needed to pay for this unbudgeted position had to be taken from the town’s contingency account and that the Recreation Department has, essentially, for the last 25 years has been doing the same work for free. In these uncertain economic times, if money must be spent from the contingency fund, wouldn’t it be better spent on essential services such as road repair, snow removal, etc. rather than duplicate work that is already being done?` said Gansfus.
Many residents who have children who participate in activities put on by the Recreation Department made glowing remarks about how much more efficient and better run it is now that it ever has been before, justifying the department’s reorganization.
Resident Robert Hess spoke about how the program is better run now than it was before since it has more employees than volunteers.
`I have two children who participate in the recreation programs offered by the town of Niskayuna. One of the reasons the Recreation Department is such a hot-button issue is because for many of us it’s the only part of the town government that we interact with. I really think the fall programs were much better run than they have been in the past. They were organized, there weren’t two or three games scheduled to the same field. If that’s a reflection of what the town can do through the reorganization of the Recreation Department, that’s money well spent,` said Hess.
The budget vote is scheduled to take place at Niskayuna’s Town Board meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 18, at 7 p.m.“