The Democratic challenger for the 105th Assembly District seat says that his campaign has taken a lot of energy, and he hasn’t run of it out yet.
It’s energizing. It’s great to participate in democracy in this way. In this particular election there have been so many hot issues that people want to talk about, it’s great to [discuss] these issues with the people and to talk about what government is really going to be doing in light of all these different things going on the stock market meltdown, and the fact that jobs are being lost in different places,` said Mark Blanchfield, D-Schenectady.
Blanchfield, D-Schenectady, has served on the Schenectady City Council since 2002, and served as Schenectady City Council president from 2005 to 2007. Blanchfield was re-elected to the Common Council in 2005, receiving the most votes out of the 10 candidates seeking three open seats.
He said that, if elected, he wants to work to achieve tax relief by supporting an income-based tax cap on property taxes, rebuilding the economy by bringing more jobs to the area, lowering the price of fuel and home-heating oil, and working on education reform.
`Job growth has been one of my main focuses here in Schenectady County. We’ve grown jobs here tremendously by creating an environment where businesses want to locate I also think that we want to make sure that education is protected during a difficult time ` that is going to be a future for our economy ` to make sure that our young people are well-educated and have that base that they need to be able to support their families eventually when they grow up,` said Blanchfield.
Blanchfield is an attorney with Hiscock and Barclay in Albany. He attended Harvard University and Benjamin J. Cardozo School of Law. He resides in Schenectady with his wife, Beatrice Tsao, and their two children.