The Republican candidate running for the 21st congressional district seat believes that it’s time for Congress to start working in a bipartisan fashion.
Congress is broken. Republicans and Democrats neither of them are getting the job done. I want to go down there and represent the people, not the special interests,` said James Buhrmaster, R-Scotia.
`I’m a county legislator and I’ve worked in a very bipartisan fashion. I’m in the minority here, but with most every issue we’re on the same page because it’s good for the community In Washington, Republicans and Democrats simply put stuff off for tomorrow what they should be doing today,` Burhmaster said.
In addition to being a legislator, Buhrmaster is president of Buhrmaster Energy Group. He ran unopposed in the primary elections on Sept. 9. He serves on the boards of several civic associations, including the Twin Rivers Boy Scout Council, the Freedom Park Foundation Board, and the Schenectady Military Affairs Council.
`[Voters] have the chance to send a small businessperson, a family person, a person who is connected to the community, to work side by side with people to get things done,` said Burhmaster.
Buhrmaster wants to streamline government programs to cut spending and cut taxes, end the war in Iraq and then bring troops home, create jobs upstate and find solutions to healthcare and Social Security issues, as well as using traditional and new energy sources to reduce dependence on Middle East oil and protect the environment.
`Pressing issues right now clearly are the economy and the energy costs. This is true in our district and in Washington. We are losing jobs all around New York atate because of the cost of energy and the high taxes,` said Buhrmaster.
Buhrmaster was educated in Scotia-Glenville schools and is a graduate of Syracuse University with a degree in business administration. He and his wife, Sandra, have four sons and six grandchildren.“