Candidates in the 21st Congressional District race, the 109th District Assembly race and possibly the District Attorney election will be shaking hands with senior citizens, introducing themselves and stating their positions on Friday, Oct. 24.
The meet and greet is being sponsored by Colonie Senior Service Centers and will be held at the Beltrone Living Center, in Colonie, at 10 a.m.
Scheduled to attend are 21st Congressional candidates, Paul Tonko and James Buhrmaster; 109th Assembly District candidates , Assemblyman Robert Reilly and John Wasielewski; and District Attorney candidate Roger Cusick. As of Tuesday, Oct. 21, Colonie Senior Service Centers had invited District Attorney David Soares but had not received confirmation that he would be attending.
For more on this story, check back at, or read the Oct. 29 print edition of the Colonie Spotlight.`