Only a mere 50 years separated the new Eagle Elementary students and the Bethlehem Alumni Class of 1958.
As alumni reminisced about being the first to go to the brand new high school across the street, the district’s newest students at it newest school listened in amusement as their Eagle mascot livened up the reunion event.
The Class of ’58 presented the elementary school with an eagle plaque, as they were the first class to attend all four years and graduate from the district’s new high school on Delaware Avenue in 1958.
On behalf of his class, Arnold Hamm presented the students at Eagle with a molded metal bald eagle mounted on an oak plaque to be displayed for future Eagle students. The plaque read, `Dedicated to the Eagle from the BCHS Class of 1958.`
The first generation of Eagle students, who helped open the school earlier in the month, also put items inside of a time capsule for future Eagle students to see decades from now and to know what life was like in 2008 at Eagle Elementary.
Items in the time capsule included Spotlight Newspaper articles about the schools’ opening, a student’s sneaker from 2008, an ABC book, articles about the presidential election, predictions about what life would be like in 2058 and 2108, and other student writings.