With a sizable agenda during its Wednesday, Sept. 17, meeting, the Bethlehem Planning Board heard several plans and requested Brookside Meadows developers change their site layout on Clapper Road.
Some of the developments heard throughout the evening included the Glenmont Mobil proposal to build a drive-through coffee shop; a 28-lot subdivision on Russell Road called Millwood Estates; the eight-lot Carol Richards subdivision near Five Rivers (see related story, page 8); plans for a medical office building on Route 9W; and the presentation of the first building phase of the Vista Technology Park.
Although it is unknown at this time what exactly were the changes the board is asking of Brookside Meadows, Planning Board Chairman Parker Mathusa indicated it might have to do with a CSX railway deal.
Economic opportunities only comes once in a while and have to ride that train when it comes, Parker said, specifically mentioning CSX.
Planning Board member Howard Engel has been openly critical of the residential impact and potential implications of the project.
`I think I’ve made myself clear I’m very skeptical of this project,` Engel said, adding that he has seen nothing in writing.
`While we may be reluctant to do this, the overall town may benefit from it,` Parker said.
The Glenmont Mobil was granted special-use permit for its plans to put a drive-through Dunkin Donuts at its Route 9W Glenmont location by a vote of 4-to-1. Planning Board member Nicholas Behuniak cast the dissenting vote.
The owner plans on installing an `electronic staking sign,` to help ease traffic at the busy Feura Bush Road intersection, which is the site of a possible future roundabout.
In other applicants heard, the Millwood Estates was unanimously granted conditional final approval for its 28-lot subdivision; and the Richards subdivision was tabled; and a public hearing for the 9W medical office building was set for Tuesday, Oct. 7, at 7:15 p.m.
Board members John Smolinsky and Kate Powers were absent from the meeting.