Representatives from the Guilderland Public Library went before the town Planning Board Wednesday, Sept. 10, to discuss concerns about traffic issues with a mixed-use development proposal known as Glass Works Village.
The development, which is being spearheaded by the Platform Realty Group, was discussed at the meeting, and Platform representative Joe Sautos laid out initial plans for the site, which is expected to provide up to 327 residences, a commercial village of up to 190,000 square feet, a nature preserve and parks all connected by pedestrian paths and roads.
Among the issues discussed at the meeting was a road that would extend behind the library coming from the development.
One library representative said the road is not necessary, and not enough information is known about how much it will be used.
The ability to forecast how heavily the road behind the library will be used is pure speculation, chairman of the library’s long-range planning committee and trustee Robert Ganz said.
Also discussed were potential traffic patterns and pedestrian walkways from the village to the library.
`We support the concept of Glass Works Village,` Ganz said, adding that he was disappointed the traffic engineer conducting the site’s environmental study did not contact the library, located next to the proposed development, about its traffic patterns or circulation of people.
Ganz said the library has 1,100 patrons per day and close to 100 cars each hour. He said he is worried about increased traffic due to customers driving from the village to the library.
Sautos acknowledged some preliminary safety issues regarding vehicle access to the development from Route 20.
`We do think there is a safety issue that should be addressed,` he said. `Whatever this board decides, we will comply with.`
The Glass Works Village would cover a 57.55-acre parcel with 72 townhouses, 228 condominiums, 27 cottages, 180,000 square feet of commercial space and 10,000 square feet of day care.
Town Planner Jan Weston said representatives for Glass Works Village are going back to the Town Board to ask to rezone the site as a `planned unit development.` They must then reappear before the planning board for final approval.“