No children were left behind this year at Loudonville Elementary as the school has received an award for being one of the top schools in the country after receiving the No Child Left Behind Blue Ribbon School Award on Tuesday, Sept. 9.
According to Loudonville Elementary Principal Kerry Flynn, there were over 400 schools in the country that applied for the award, and Loudonville Elementary was one of only 320 that were honored with the award. Only 19 schools in the state were nominated, she said.
The application process required the gathering of data about the school. This data included test scores on the English language arts and math assessments over the past three years.
According to district officials, the percentage of students who met or exceeded state standards on the 2006-07 New York State ELA are third-graders, 98 percent; fourth-graders, 92 percent; and fifth-graders, 93 percent. On the 2006-07 math assessment, third-graders, 100 percent; fourth-graders, 98 percent; fifth-graders, 92 percent; and sixth-graders, 97 percent.
The application also asks that the school highlight one content area. Flynn said she highlighted the value of the school’s music program.
Our music teacher does musical performances with [the students,] she said. `They always tie it in with the curriculum.`
Flynn said that last year, a student had written a play about the Erie Canal, with all original songs about the Erie Canal written by the student.
`I’m always very impressed with how willing out students are to sing and dance,` said Flynn.
While the music program was one that was highlighted in the school’s application, students’ academic achievements are what truly highlight the school and helped them achieve Blue Ribbon status.
`We qualified, which I believe had to do with our students receiving in the top ten [percentile],` said Flynn.
Parents of students at the school, according to Flynn, have given outstanding feedback and are happy their students attend an award-winning school.
Loudonville Elementary PTA President Christine Stuto said `We are thrilled and it just goes to show what we’ve known for years.`
Stuto said, `As a parent I feel the same way. I feel very lucky to have my child go to the school and this accomplishment.`
According to Superintendent of Schools Randy Ehrenberg, speaking on behalf of district officials, `We place a high value on quality education, and are happy when there’s recognition.`
Flynn will bring the news of Loudonville Elementary’s success to Washington D.C. in October when she is present to accept the award on behalf of the school.
While the news spread throughout the district about one of the seven elementary schools receiving the award, Flynn said no big announcement was made yet at Loudonville Elementary to the students.
However, Flynn said the school does have a school-wide theme every year and that this year’s theme is `together we celebrate.`