The Clifton Park-Halfmoon Public Library’s Board of Trustees, along with library director Alex Gutelius, have announced the names of candidates who have submitted petitions to run for two Town of Clifton Park vacancies on the Library Board of Trustees for 2009. Two candidates will appear on the Tuesday, Sept. 11, ballot: incumbent Christene Thurston and John A. Cosgrove.
Thurston has served on the board since 2000, first as treasurer and then as president for 2004-2006. She lives in Rexford with her husband. Thurston has managed the dental practice of Stephen Dautel for 21 years.
While I was president of the board, we had a successful vote to pass the referendum for the new library in 2004, spent 2005 working on the design and construction, and in 2006 finalized the construction of the new building and made the move into the new library. There is a continued demand for library services in our community, and I would like to continue to work with the library board in finding new ways to meet those demands and provide even more services.
Cosgrove has resided in Clifton Park for eight years with his wife, Theresa, and their five children. The family uses the library regularly. Cosgrove is an access services librarian at the Lucy Scribner Library, Skidmore College, where he has been on the library faculty for 10 years. He holds two advanced degrees: a master’s of library science and master’s of arts in English from the University at Albany.
`I am interested in sharing my professional experience in a capacity that will serve the community,` Cosgrove said. `All libraries today face rapid changes in information technology and an uncertain economy. The library is a terrific resource for our town and I would like to help it to remain so.`
District residents, who are registered voters, will be asked to vote on the proposed budget Thursday, Sept. 11, from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m., in the lobby, at the Clifton Park-Halfmoon Public Library. Clifton Park residents, who are registered voters, will be asked to select two Clifton Park trustee nominees. Absentee ballots are available at the circulation desk for residents who will be out of town that day.“