At the ripe age of 27, Maria Ann Comella, a Loudonville native, has been a part of more political campaigns than one can count on a single hand. Now, she is preparing to enter what some consider the major league of campaigning. On Monday, Aug. 18, Comella began her position as press secretary for Sen. John McCain’s vice presidential candidate.
Her interest in politics began when she was young, she said, as a result of nearly nonstop political discussions between her parents. Her mother, Ann Comella, who died in February 2007, was an Albany County legislator.
According to her father, Joseph Comella, his daughter’s interest truly piqued after she began participating in the Colonie Youth Court. After serving in every position in the court, her father said, Comella knew she wanted to be in politics.
It was fascinating to get into the judicial process, she said.
While she was in high school, Comella interned in then-Gov. George Pataki’s office. In 2002, she helped with her first campaign, which was the campaign for Pataki’s re-election.
After the campaign, Comella moved out of the state to attend George Washington University in Washington, D.C. It was there that she realized she wanted to be a part of politics on a national level.
First, she interned on Capitol Hill. Then, in 2004, she worked on the Bush/Cheney campaign as the communications director in the New Hampshire office.
Following that, she worked in Iowa on Jim Nussle’s unsuccessful bid for governor in 2006.
Beginning in January 2007, Comella joined Rudy Guiliani’s presidential campaign as deputy communications director and national press secretary.
Maria said she traveled everywhere the former mayor of New York City traveled, speaking to reporters and helping prepare all media documents.
According to her father, even after Guiliani dropped out of the race, `He kept her on as press secretary.`
Maria said she stayed on with Guiliani through his trip home from Florida, on Jan. 29, the day he endorsed McCain.
When she had applied for her position with Guiliani, Maria had also applied for a position with McCain. In early August, she got a call from people on the McCain campaign crew, telling her they wanted her to join their team.
`I guess it just got announced that I would be joining them,` she said.
But according to her father, Maria sought approval, not only from him, before she accepted the job.
`She talked to the mayor about it,` he said, referring to Guiliani. `He and McCain are pretty close.`
According to Joseph Comella, Guiliani advised Comella to go ahead and join McCain’s campaign.
`In a lot of ways, I already think I’ve had my dream job,` she said. `You know, the title is one thing, but I’ve traveled the country, I’ve gotten to see all other parts of it, and it’s fascinating to be so close and actually part of the process.`
While she credits the campaigns she’s worked on as increasing her interest in politics, her family, she said, has played an integral role in her success.
`I give a lot of credit to my parents, who always encouraged me and put up with me when I was moving all over the country,` said Comella.
Her father said that even though he is unable to see his globetrotting daughter as frequently as he would like, he is pleased that she followed her dreams.
`I said to her, ‘You know you enjoy the campaign trail, so I say you got to enjoy what you’re doing.’` Joseph Comella said.
Comella’s new position as press secretary for the vice presidential candidate will entail writing press releases and answering questions that have to do with the McCain’s vice presidential candidate, who has yet to be announced.
`At this point, they’ve indicated that Sen. McCain will make the decision when he’s ready,` she said.
PHOTO CAPTION: Maria Ann Comella is presented with a birthday cake from Rudy Guiliani earlier this year. On Monday, Aug. 18, Comella began her position as press secretary for Sen. John McCain’s vice presidential candidate.
(Submitted photo)