Scotia and Glenville officials met Monday, Aug. 18, to discuss their future on sharing municipal services.
Scotia Mayor Kris Kastberg said as the village and town start to look ahead at their finances, sharing services continues to be an ongoing theme.
Currently under consideration is the Fire District 4 contract that Glenville has been awarding to Scotia for the past several years. Kastberg said last year the village received $329,000 in exchange for fire services.
We gave them a proposal, and they are looking into it for next year. Of course we want to continue to be awarded this contract, said Kastberg.
Glenville Supervisor Frank Quinn said the town is looking at all of its options for providing coverage to District 4, which includes areas around the Scotia-Glenville Industrial Park.
`We want to make sure that before going with Scotia again, we explore all our options,` said Quinn.
The two municipalities are also looking at the success of a number of newly shared services, such as a shared salt shed used by both highway departments.
Kastberg said that the village is also repaving roads this year as part of a deal made with the county. He said the village currently has nine roads left to pave, but the county has had to push the project to the spring because of storm damage. Kastberg said heavy summer rains have damaged a number of county streets, which have taken priority.
`We want our residents to know if their street has been named as one to be repaved and it isn’t completed by fall, it will be done in the spring,` said Kastberg.
At the Wednesday, Aug. 13, Scotia Board of Trustees meeting, Trustee Joe Rizzo said he heard from several residents voicing concerns about flooded roads leading to erosion.
`People are complaining that their roads and front yards have flooded during recent storms, and the situation only magnifies the need to improve some of the conditions found on village roads,` said Rizzo.
Rizzo said he received complaints from residents on Board Street and Schemerhorn Road.
Trustee Armon Benny said he also had heard from residents on Sanders and Roche streets.
`My response has been that we are working hard, as is the county. We have some bigger problems on our plates,` said Benny.
Kastberg also said that Captain Charlie Keller has taken on the duties of fire chief following former fire Chief Richard Kasko’s departure. Keller will receive a stipend in his salary until the position of fire chief is filled. The village is taking applications for the job, which pays between $70,000 and $120,000 per year, depending on the qualifications of the applicant.
`Captain Keller has taken on extra responsibilities, stayed past his shift and has done a lot extra for the department,` said Kastberg.
The next Scotia board of trustees meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 10.“