Since May, Clifton Park has been reviewing the pros and cons of revising the town’s leash law to impose stricter regulations for dogs that are out and about. According to Town Supervisor Philip Barrett, the discussion will be drawing to a close in the very near future.
The public had the opportunity to comment on the drafted legislation at the Monday, Aug. 18, Town Board meeting. The proposed law would allow dog owners to exercise their pets without a leash at Kinns Road Park in addition to Mary Jane Row Park, where there is a fenced-in area designated for dog exercise. Dogs would have to be leashed and under the control of their owners in the rest of the town.
Town Attorney Thomas McCarthy announced a few changes to the proposed legislation. A 25-foot maximum length for leashes was removed and language clarifying that dogs must be under the owner’s control was added. The changes are available at the town clerk’s office and should be posted on the town Web site soon.
McCarthy said the town would be able to revise the rules at the parks themselves at any time.
Those who bring their dogs to Mary Jane Row are required to pay at $30 fee and register with the town. Part of that process is to ensure the dogs are licensed, which means they have the proper vaccinations.
There was talk of extending the permit to Kinns Road Park. Owners could be issued brightly colored tags for their dogs to make enforcement easier.
Unlike the Mary Jane Row Dog Park, where use is restricted to Clifton Park residents, Kinns Road is a county park and the town can’t keep visitors from using it. Plus, the town doesn’t want to see either park fall into disuse because residents would rather use the other for free.
`The idea was to try and keep both parks alive and well,` said McCarthy.
No one who rose to speak at the public hearing objected to the fee. There was concern, however that other park users could be harassed by off leash dogs.
`I’d venture to say that 95 percent of users with dogs are rational and respectful of the unique park we have,` said resident Eric Hamilton. `It’s the other five percent that’s the problem.`
Unruly behavior was the impetus for the leash law.
`We have had issues there where the dogs aren’t under control,` said Councilman Thomas Paolucci, adding, `I feel this legislation goes toward solving the issue.`
Hamilton, who is affiliated with the Shenendehowa Nordic Club ` a group of cross country skiers ` said that Kinns Road Park is a bigger, much more open area than Mary Jane Row, and the influx of dog owners could change its use dramatically.
`I have a problem with Kinns Road Park being perceived as a dog park, thereby restricting the use for recreational purposes,` he said.
Clifton Park resident Kelly McCarthy said she lives right next to Kinns Road Park, and that it is `a privilege` to be able to exercise her three black labs off their leashes. She can see problems emerging, though.
`Recently, the population of Clifton Park has definitely increased,` said McCarthy. `More people are disrupting the delicate balance between people and dog owners.`
She recommended that the five percent causing problems should be better policed using the funds from permit fees.
Other residents suggested that a course like the Canine Good Citizen Test must be passed by dog and owner before issuance of a permit.
The law should be ready for a vote sometime in September. Written comments will be accepted and considered until the next board meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 2.“