The online world is an ever-changing place and, just like in the real world, parents should recognize that in addition to being a source of recreation and education, the Internet can also pose a danger to kids.
That’s why the Town of Malta will be hosting the State Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) for two September presentations aimed at educating kids and parents on ways to use the Internet safely.
There will be a presentation for parents Tuesday, Sept. 9, from 7 to 9:30 p.m. and a presentation for middle and high schoolers Wednesday, Sept. 10, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Both presentations will be held in the David R. Meager Community Center and are free of charge, though preregistration with the town’s Parks and Recreation Department is encouraged. Call 899-4411 for information.
According to Ken Buniak, program manager for DCJS’ Missing and Exploited Children Clearinghouse, the presentations are all about providing information, not using scare tactics.
The philosophy here is to give people food for thought and let them choose their path and their strategy, said Buniak. `Both of [the programs] instill a sense of caution, not a sense of fear.`
The visual, PowerPoint-based presentations cover topics like social networking sites, instant messaging guidelines, cyber bullying and online pornography. They are also committed to furthering basic computer knowledge for both kids and parents, as the Internet is an ever-changing place. It can now be accessed via cell phone, and kids are instant messaging while on the go with increasing frequency.
One developing aspect of the online world that concerns the DCJS is the increasingly social nature of the Internet, where it is now possible to communicate with more people in more ways than ever. Though it is possible to create an entire network of online acquaintances, Buniak cautioned that online friends shouldn’t be considered real-life buddies.
`They’re not friends because you met them online,` he said. `We let people into our homes through telephone lines and cable lines that we wouldn’t want anywhere near our homes or kids. Strangers are still strangers.`
Though interacting with other Internet users is not always dangerous, parents and kids should take every precaution to keep their online and actual lives separate, especially when it comes to meeting online `friends.`
`It’s unlikely you’re going to be enticed by somebody who’s going to bring harm to you, but it’s possible,` said Buniak.
Information posted on blogs or social networking sites can be destructive in a different way. The Internet is a very public place, and once you put something out there it can be difficult, if not impossible, to take it back.
`You really need to be aware that what you’re posting online can be read by anybody,` warned Buniak. He cautioned that colleges, sports teams and employers often check popular social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace, and the online persona you put forward can have a very real impact on how others view you in the real world.
Depending on a child’s age, the family computer can be placed in a central, easy-to-monitor location. Kids should also be taught and remember the four Rs when surfing: Recognize the techniques used by online predators; refuse requests for personal information; respond assertively to uncomfortable situations; and report any suspicious or dangerous contact to authorities.
It is ultimately up to parents to decide how they will approach Internet safety, however. Though there are a bevy of programs that can monitor Internet activity or block certain sites, Buniak says that while they can be useful, they could potentially damage the trust between a parent and child.
`The harmful effects could extend well beyond the computer,` he said. `It’s a personal decision, and that’s how we leave it.`
For information on Internet safety, check the DCJS’ Web site at“