Starting Tuesday, Aug. 19, Saratoga County’s presence on the Internet will be given a facelift with the rollout of an entirely new website.
County Planning Director Jason Kemper, who chaired a committee tasked with forming the site, presented it to county supervisors at their monthly meeting on Wednesday, Aug. 8.
We wanted to make sure the final product was one we could be proud of, said Kemper.
The site is still waiting on information from a few departments, but it will feature all the information found on the current portal such as meeting agendas, minutes and forms. Departments will be able to easily and independently add new content to the website, as well.
Similarly, towns and departments will be given access to update information on their pages.
Also featured on the homepage will be a news section and a community crier for larger, countywide announcements.
The site will be found at, which is a bit more intuitive than the old domain,
`It makes it a lot easier for the public to get ahold of us,` said Kemper.
The public will be able to do just that through a new contact system that will make it easy to send messages to different towns and public officials.