The Town of Malta’s decision on an important piece of legislation that will allow a microchip fabrication facility to be built at the Luther Forest Technology Campus is now in sight. The Town Board heard comments from the public on the Planned Development District (PDD) legislation at a Monday, Aug. 11, meeting.
The town has been considering Advanced Microchip Devices’ proposed changes to the PDD since they were submitted in February. The chief change was changing the scope of the project from four fab plants to three buildings with larger footprints. The town was discussing environmental oversight and standards for months with the chipmaker.
Matthew Jones, of the Jones Ferradino Law Firm in Saratoga Springs, which is serving as consulting attorneys to AMD, commended the board for a thorough yet timely consideration of the PDD amendments. He spoke on behalf of Steve Groseclose, AMD’s director of global environment, health and safety, who was held up by bad weather in Cleveland.
He wants you to know we’re in it for the long haul, said Jones. `We’re committed to working with you in the future.`
The chipmaker has until the end of July 2009 to commit to building the $3.2 billion facility at LFTC and still be eligible for $1.2 billion in state incentives. Some matters, such as what sort of community benefits AMD will supply the town, will be addressed when a commitment is made.
Though many residents turned out for the public hearing, only five rose to address the board. Several expressed hopes that the facility will allow young professionals to remain in the area after completing school instead of seeking jobs elsewhere.
AMD representatives have said the project would bring 1,465 jobs to the area.
Patty Heidelmark, a member of the LFTC Community Response Board, expressed the group’s concerns that jobs could be imported and asked the town to consider inserting language that would guarantee local hiring. The PDD currently calls for postings of employment opportunities at various places locally.
`Our members feel a stronger connection to local council is needed,` said Heidelmark.
Carol Moratta, a member of the Town of Stillwater Planning Board who was speaking as a private citizen, echoed those thoughts.
`I think it’s very important for the Town of Malta and Stillwater that our local people be given some sort of priority,` she said.
She noted that the College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering at the University at Albany would provide the education needed to work at the chip fabs.
Moratta also spoke at length about her environmental concerns, including the removal of language that would have AMD submitting environmental audit findings to the town. Under the current legislation, the company would submit copies of reports it is required to file with the state Department of Environmental Conservation and the federal Environmental Protection Agency. It would also join the DEC’s new Environmental Leaders program, a voluntary initiative to help manufacturers go above and beyond environmental regulations.
The town will accept written comments on the PDD legislation until it meets on Monday, Aug. 25, to vote on it. The amendments can be viewed on the town’s Web site or at town hall.
The board also voted to spend $18,900 to conduct a sewer district study in the Cramer Hills Neighborhood, where residents have reported failing septic systems. If the sewer system is eventually installed the cost would be divided among the residents within it. If it is not, the town would absorb the cost.
Residents of Cramer Hills brought a petition to the meeting signed by 26 of the 33 homeowners expressing interest in a sewer district.
The state Department of Transportation will also be extending an additional grant of $100,000 for construction on Dunning Street to offset the increasing cost of fuel. The money comes at no additional cost to the town.“