Legislators in Albany County think they have come up with a way to improve residents’ health by outlawing the use of a simple ingredient at more than 1,600 food service establishments.
The ingredient, trans-fat, has long been criticized for containing increased levels of LDL, known as bad cholesterol, and lowering HDL, known as `good` cholesterol. Now, Albany County is mandating that all restaurants in the county switch over from using trans-fats in their recipes to various other forms of oils.
According to Kerri Battle, spokeswoman for Albany County Executive Mike Breslin, the resolution to ban trans-fats in the county was introduced by Majority Leader Frank Commisso, D-Albany, and passed unanimously on Friday, Aug. 8, although the Legislature had been discussing it for some time.
`It was introduced and voted on in May of 2007, but it had to go to the Board of Health,` she said.
On the passing of the resolution, Commisso said he was pleased with what the county had done. `With this amendment to the county’s Sanitary Code, we’re simply saying that we know artificial trans-fat clogs arteries and contributes to heart disease and strokes, so let’s do what we can to serve healthy meals to our residents,` he said.
In regulating the measure, Battle said restaurants will phase out trans-fat in two parts. The first will involve taking trans-fat out of oils, shortening and margarine that are used in cooking, which will begin Jan. 1. The second involves eliminating trans-fat from baked goods, which will begin July 1.
Battle said this will affect chain restaurants in the county, as well as non-chains.
According to Gail Sokol, author of `About Professional Baking` and an adjunct professor and culinary instructor at Schenectady Community College, the transition should not be too tough for chefs as many have already switched over from using trans-fat already.
`New York City has started it, and as far as the state, I think Albany is trying to follow suit,` she said. `A lot of chefs have already made the switchover.`
Sokol said she is glad to see the change occur because, `trans-fats are the worst type of fats you can eat.`
Sokol said that trans-fat is basically a manmade fat that combines oils and hydrogen so that they are partially stabilized. As a result, Sokol said, the product is solidified and has a longer shelf-life than alternative options.
While trans-fats do exist naturally in some products, including some dairy and meats, Sokol said, its use has been linked to obesity and some types of cancers. In addition, consumers can tell if they have eaten trans-fats because it leaves a film on the tongue, she said.
As far as what restaurant chefs should be using instead of trans-fats, Sokol said her favorite choice is canola oil. Since it is a liquid, she said, it is healthier for you in that it lowers bad cholesterol.
In the home, Sokol said, household chefs can make a healthier change as well by switching to light butters and tub margarine that is advertised as containing fewer trans-fats. But Sokol warned that it is important to read the ingredients on the labels.
`A manufacturer can legally say there is zero trans-fat in the oil, but on the ingredients it can contain [small percentages],` she said. After eating several products with labels like this, Sokol said the trans-fats begin to add up, and soon you are eating just as many as in products that advertise the amount of trans fat.
Sokol said she is pleased that the county has taken the steps necessary to take care of people who are unaware of the dangers of trans fat.
`I think we really owe it to our customers to keep them healthy,` she said.“