Motorists in Saratoga Springs take notice: You are not alone.
As the track opens and the racing season descends upon Saratoga Springs and the population spikes accordingly those behind the wheel should keep a vigilant watch for those on foot and riding bicycles. That was the message put forth by the Saratoga Healthy Transportation Network on Saturday, July 26, as they observed the city’s first Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Day.
According to the group’s treasurer, Joanne Klepetar, it’s all about making sure motorists and bicyclists can both travel in peace.
`Our goal is to make the public aware that bicyclists exist, and they have to share the road with us,` said Klepetar.
The group set up a booth at the Saratoga Farmer’s Market for the day and were handing out brochures with tips on safe bicycling. Investigator John Kelly of the Saratoga Springs Police Department was also on hand to register bikes.
Kelly said the department registered 15 bikes on Saturday. Registration involves taking a small amount of personal information, affixing a sticker to the bike with a registration number and engraving that number on the underside. The engraving, especially, helps deter theft.
`When we see someone on a bike we don’t think they should have, we stop it, and all we have to do is check the sticker number,` said Kelly. `If it helps protect two or three bike owners, it’s worth it.`
Bike owners who missed registering their bike on Saturday can take their wheels to the police station after 3 p.m. to get the full treatment.
Officers were also handing out coupons for free ice cream. Kelly said that officers routinely hand out the coupons to kids who are wearing their helmets during the summer. Kids without helmets get a coupon toward buying a helmet.
`It’s better to do positive reinforcement,` rather than give a ticket, said Kelly.
Klepetar said that Saratoga Healthy Transportation Network is always pushing for more pedestrian crossing signs, as well as the enforcement of pedestrian stop laws. According to state law, motorists must always stop for pedestrians in a crosswalk.
The group would also like to see increased bike parking in Saratoga Springs, as well as better options for bicycling down Broadway, where the road is crowded with motorists and bicycling on the sidewalk is prohibited.
`It’s actually legal to bike on the sidewalks everywhere else but Broadway,` advised Klepetar.
Founded in 2005, the Saratoga Healthy Transportation Network endeavors to make Saratoga Springs and the surrounding area more cyclist and pedestrian-friendly. It lobbies for the creation of more bike lanes, paths and traffic calming measures, and even creates incentives for residents to take two wheels rather than four when making their way around town with Bicycle Benefits stickers.
Volunteers were selling the stickers on Saturday. Created by Klepetar’s son, Ian Klepetar, the sticker affords bicyclists discounts at over 60 businesses in Saratoga Springs once affixed to a bicycle helmet, and is good in many other cities.
`The hope is to bring it to every major city in the nation,` said Joanne Klepetar. `It’s like the AAA for bicyclists.`
The sticker can be purchased for $5 at participating businesses.
Saratoga Healthy Transportation Network will also be participating in the fourth annual Saratoga Derby, their only fundraiser of the year, on Saturday, Aug. 16.
Held in conjunction with the Saratoga Preserving Land and Nature group, the 5K run/walk event will kick off at 8:15 a.m. Pre-registration is $15. Visit for more information and registration forms.
Last year’s profits went to purchasing helmets that Saratoga Healthy Transportation Network gave out during their May bicycle giveaway event.“