The Ballston Spa Central School District is making progress in the quest to decide the fate of the Malta Avenue School building.
According to district spokesman Stuart Williams, the Board of Education has confirmed the choices for committee members and it is hoped that the first meeting of the task force will be in mid-August.
We’re confirming with the people who were interested to make sure they can still serve, said Williams.
A list of task force members will be released once the process is completed, he said.
Two representatives were selected from each of the district’s six schools. There will also be two community members at large, who do not have kids in the district. The district is still looking for two student representatives to serve on the committee.
The district had previously planned to close the aging Malta Avenue to students and build another school elsewhere.
A public outcry and difficulty finding a suitable location led the Board of Education to form the task force, however. Letters went out from the board in June asking for volunteers for the task force.
The board has promised that the school district will not influence the task force’s work, and has hired Jim Collins to facilitate the proceedings. The meetings will be open to the public, but only for observation. It is expected only task force members will be allowed to participate.
Ten to 12 meetings of the task force are expected, with a final report tentatively scheduled for January 2009.“