David R. Lengyel, 50, of Slingerlands was arrested on July 4, for felony DWI, second offense, and leaving the scene of a property-damage auto accident.
Bethlehem Police said they received a call to respond to an incident on Olympian Drive in Slingerlands where a vehicle was reported as damaged after it was struck by another vehicle driven by a possible intoxicated driver who fled the scene.
Upon arrival, the complainant flagged down officers and investigators saw a damaged four-door blue sedan in the parking lot and that there was also a Chevrolet pickup truck improperly parked that `appeared abandoned by the operator,` according to the arrest report. Police said the pickup had corresponding damage and points of impact as the other vehicle.
The complainant described the driver as a white male with a green shirt and said he was last seen going around the apartment building on the premises to the upstairs rear apartment, the report states.
Police proceeded to the rear apartment entranceway and say `a white male was observed slouched in a plastic patio chair,` according to the report, and the man appeared to be `heavily intoxicated` and was wearing a green shirt, pants, white socks, and no shoes.
The outer screen door to the apartment was knocked out the frame and was on the deck floor, according to police, but the inner door was closed.
When the man was asked to identify himself he used the chair for support and stood up and then fumbled through his wallet, the report states, and then took out a stack of personal papers before handing the wallet over to police with his driver’s license in it, which identified him as Lengyel.
When asked what had taken place, Lengyel `replied he had a fight with his sister,` according to police, and he admitted he was backing his vehicle up and hit the other car.
Lengyel’s right eye was injured with bruising and swelling where his sister had allegedly hit him, the report states.
Police said they escorted Lengyel down the stairs of the apartment and away from several family members who had `exited the apartment and were verbally escalating the situation.`
The complainant positively identified him as the driver who had hit the vehicle and Lengyel was given a field-sobriety test, but, according to the report, due to the eye injury and his level of intoxication, Lengyel was unable to complete the test and was taken into police custody.
Police said he tested positive for alcohol and his vehicle was towed, and once at the Bethlehem Police Station, Lengyel refused three times to submit to a chemical test.
A check revealed that Lengyel was convicted of DWI and a personal-injury auto accident on June 21, 2001, and also of DWAI on Sept. 28, 1999, according to the arrest report.
Emergency Medical Services workers arrived on the scene to treat Lengyel, but upon evaluation he `signed off` on additional treatment, the report states.
Lengyel is scheduled to return to Bethlehem Town Court on Aug. 5.