Water may contain the same molecules, but not all water tastes the same.
During a blind taste test held Tuesday, July 15, outside Hannaford in Clifton Park, the City of Mechanicville’s tap water was picked as the best tasting in Saratoga County.
The contest, sponsored by the Southern Saratoga Chamber of Commerce, is in its 20th year.
I could really taste the difference, said Amelia Allen, 19, of Clifton Park, who was one of 35 people who participated in the taste test.
She said cup `A` tasted most like her drinking water in Clifton Park, while the other samples were more refreshing and crisp. Allen said the water in cup `A` also looked murkier than the rest of the water.
But her guess about the water in cup `A` coming from Clifton Park was incorrect. It actually came from the Town of Halfmoon.
Although the taste test is not scientific, it provides Mechanicville with bragging rights and the chance to advance to a state competition.
The winner of the county competition will go on to compete in a regional competition during `Alive at Five,` in Albany Thursday, July 21.
Regional competition winners will go onto the state fair in Syracuse in August.
Monoj Ajmera, who developed the contest for the Department of Health, began the taste test locally and decided to take it statewide after receiving positive support from local municipalities and group sponsors.
Ajmera said the taste test provides local municipalities with a friendly competition.
Five municipalities participated in the taste test: Clifton Park, Halfmoon, Mechanicville, Saratoga Springs and Wilton.
County competitions have been taking place throughout the summer gearing up for the state competition.“