Two Albany County Correctional Facility inmates were arrested on Friday, July 11, and Wednesday, July 18, at the jail on drug charges.
David Crowley, 22, of Loudonville, was arrested on Friday, July 11, on charges of criminal possession of a controlled substance, a felony, and promoting prison contraband, also a felony.
On Wednesday, July 18, Crystal Peguero, 17, of Schenectady, was arrested and charged with the same offense, according to police.
Police said Crowley, an inmate who is incarcerated due to a parole violation, was arrested after correction officers conducted an investigation of an anonymous tip they received to search his cell. Police found that
inside his cell, secreted in a pair of socks were 19 [packets], each containing crack cocaine. Police also said the drugs weighed approximately 9 grams.
Peguero, whose drug charges were unrelated to Crowley s, was subject to a routine search by correction officers. During the search, police said the officers noticed a slit in her bra. While searching, they discovered two packets of crack cocaine secreted inside her bra, police said.
Crowley and Peguero will be arraigned in Colonie Town Court at a later date.