If there’s one true necessity of life that has been impacted by high fuel prices, it would almost have to be food. High prices on the grocery shelves shouldn’t justify reaching for less healthy alternatives, though.
According to celebrity Chef Jason Roberts, it’s possible to eat healthy on a budget with just a little planning and creativity. Roberts was showing moms and kids from Franklin Community Center some ways to do just that in addition to demonstrating a healthy snack recipe on Saturday, July 12 at the Saratoga Hilton.
Cutting costs starts at the grocery store. In regards to meat, Roberts recommended that the cost-conscious should move away from the choicer cuts. Instead, braise $8 of fresh ground chuck with potatoes and tomatoes for a cheap entrEe capable of feeding five.
Also, look for spinach in a bag. Roberts said that he saved money on a trip to a local Price Chopper by buying the bags on sage. They can be very affordable, and a quick way to add color into your lifestyle, he said.`
Roberts prefers to use the word `lifestyle` over `diet.` `The first three letters are D-I-E and it ends with a cross,` he said.
New Zealand born, Roberts discovered his passion for cooking in the kitchen of a boarding house where his grandmother worked. He also grew up on a dairy farm; he attributes that background to his emphasis on locally grown foods.
`Especially in regards to social and economic factors, it’s important to eat locally,` he said. `I keep it as local and as fresh as possible.`
That was his plan for Tuesday, July 15, when Roberts will be cooking for a Key Bank invitation-only dinner. In the meantime, he toured sheep and berry farms and still found time to whip up smoothies at Key Bank’s Latham branch.
The creation he shared with Franklin participants was `Almond and Apricot Energy Balls.` With the help of the kids present, he used dried fruits, nuts and orange juice to mold the tasty treats, though he was quick to note that you can be creative when choosing ingredients for your own energy balls.
`It’s a healthy alternative to a chocolate bar or candy,` said Roberts. A big part of consistent healthy eating is breaking away from quick fast food solutions, which are often loaded with sugar and white flour products. `There are ways to incorporate food that’s fast and healthy as well,` he said.
The Franklin Community Center, located on Franklin Street in Saratoga Springs, is a nonprofit organization that works to improve the quality of life for Saratogians through a variety of programs.
Jennifer Loeffler, coordinator of development at Franklin, said that Roberts’ tips and recipe should come in handy for those who attended. `Everything in our food pantry is non-perishable, and everything in his recipe was non-perishable,` she noted.
Key Bank representatives presented all the moms at the Hilton with $50 gift cards to Price Chopper.
Roberts has traveled the country as part of Key Bank trips and also to make guest appearances on cooking segments on shows such as `Good Morning America` and the `Wayne Brady Show.` He was named Apprentice of the Year by the East Sydney Technical Institute in 1993, and was executive chef at the renowned Bistro Moncur. He is the author of two books.
Despite formal culinary training, Roberts still looks at food in terms of how it improves life.
`Food is a great source of fun,` he said. `Food is the place we come together. It’s a medium of conversation, and it’s a great opportunity to chat.`
Almond and Apricot Energy Balls
Makes 30 balls
1 cup (3 oz) rolled oats
1 cup (5 oz) dried apricots
1 cup (3 oz) dried apple
1 cup (5-1/2 oz) pitted dates
1 cup (5-1/2 oz) almonds
1 cup (5-1/2 oz) raisins
2 dried figs, chopped
1/2 cup orange juice
1 ounce black sesame seeds or shredded coconut
Mix all ingredients, except orange juice and seeds together in a large bowl. Process mixture, in three separate batches, in a food processor with enough orange juice until mixture sticks together.
Roll mixture into small balls and roll in black sesame seeds (or coconut) to coat. Place into an airtight container and refrigerate overnight to firm. Will keep refrigerated for up to a week.