The chairs did not all match after crowd members pulled them out of wherever they could to grab a seat at last night’s (Wedesday, July 9) North Colonie Central School District Board of Education meeting, but they certainly all were filled.
In a room packed with over 50 people, members of the board were confronted with a few visitors’ statements regarding a personnel matter before they proceeded with their annual re-organizational meeting.
District Employee Doug Williams, a maintenance man in the district, told the board of violent interactions he had with Director of Facilities Tim Bonk, while Bonk was his supervisor. During his time in the district, Williams said Bonk’s legacy was that he threw a radio.
Standing directly before Assistant Superintendent for Business Tom Rybaltowski, Williams told the crowd that Rybaltowski had advised that he would talk to Bonk. `You did talk with Tim,` said Williams, though according to Williams, Bonk’s `arrogant` and `bullying` behavior proceeded.
`Mr. Williams, can you please address the board and not one individual?` asked Board President Joan Hart. `No, I don’t want to,` he replied, still in front of Rybaltowski.
Three visitors spoke during the public commentary portion of Wednesday’s meeting.
Bonk was put on a leave of absence pending an investigation into complaints that he had harassed his secretary, as well as other employees in the district. As per a settlement agreement Bonk signed with the Superintendent of Schools Randy Ehrenberg on Wednesday, June 16 , Bonk is to be reinstated on Monday, July 28.