Today is a day of celebration, and I congratulate every one of you on your accomplishment.
That was how Maryellen Symer, principal of Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake High School, ended her final address to the Class of 2008 on the afternoon of Wednesday, June 25, at the Saratoga Performing Arts Center.
She also made mention of the numerous extracurricular achievements of the Class of 2008, from musical honors awarded to the band in Orlando; to the science bowl team’s trip to Washington, D.C., to compete in the national championship; to the many athletic accomplishments of Spartan teams.
But going to BH-BL is about more than education and extra-curricular activities, according to John Blowers, a member of the board of education.
`I was an average student, but what wasn’t average about my high school experience is where I had it,` he said. `A Burnt Hills, education is filled with special moments that don’t come with a lot of fanfare, but are special nonetheless.`
Blowers spoke of the role of BH-BL teachers in the lives of students, and credited his English teacher in the recent publishing of his first novel.
Echoing his thoughts was valedictorian Allison Burda, who will be attending Sage College.
`I, like all of you, am looking forward to starting college in the fall, but I will miss the camaraderie I found here,` said Burda. `We can take comfort and find strength in the education we received at Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake.`
Time spent at BH-BL, and the importance of time to come, was reflected upon by Salutatorian Keren Minto, who will be attending Lehman College of Manhattan in the fall.
`I believe time is one of our most valuable resources,` said Minto.
She told the story of how, during a recent visit to New York City, a construction crane had collapsed just blocks from her hotel. Two construction workers died in the incident, and it made Minto think about life.
`What if today was my last day?` she asked. `It opened my eyes and made me realize our time is precious.`
With that, Minto urged her classmates to go forth and make the best of their time here, and to `work hard, because these next few years will influence the rest of your life, but most importantly, have fun.`
The 297 members of the Class of 2008 made their way across the stage to accept their diplomas accompanied by the Schenectady Brass Quintet. Senior music students also closed the graduation with a performance of Bill Withers’ `Lean on Me,` which had the entire audience clapping along.
As the received their diplomas, each graduate handed district Superintendent Jim Schultz a dollar bill. The money collected in this tradition is donated to a good cause each year; the Class of 2008 decided to give their dollars to the American Cancer Society.
Superintendent Schultz also took the podium to wish the class luck and to lend them advice.
`Pay attention to the graffiti on the walls,` he said, explaining he was not speaking of the bathrooms of the BH-BL High School, but that found on the walls of Pompeii, the Roman city suddenly buried by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius: `Appreciate today, for tomorrow is uncertain.“