Congregation Agudat Achim in Niskayuna plans a trip to the Fenimore Art Museum in Cooperstown, NY to view the sacred and secular exhibit ‘Gilded Lions and Jeweled Horses: The Synagogue to the Carousel.
The bus trip will depart from the Congregation, 2117 Union St., at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, June 18.
Gilded Lions and Jeweled Horses`, which has appeared at the American Folk Art Museum in New York City, follows the journey of Jewish woodcarvers and other artisans from Eastern and Central Europe to America. It also traces the role artists played in establishing a distinct Jewish culture in American communities.
Tickets for the event are $49 per person. Tickets include transportation, a special lecture, a guided tour of the museum and a dairy lunch.
The event is sponsored by the synagogue’s adult education committee in cooperation with the Phillip Stark visual arts committee.
For information call 346-0501 or 393-8489.“