On Saturday, May 17, the Town of Malta will host the eighth annual State Farm Child Safety Day from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Malta Community Center.
Featured will be car seat inspections, where parents can learn all about the correct use of car seats, booster seats and safety belts for their children.
Operation SAFE CHILD will also be on hand. Established by the Department of Criminal Justice, the program helps parents compile information on their child to produce a SAFE CHILD card. That informationalong with digital fingerprints and a photographare stored by the Division of Criminal Justice Services in Albany. In the event a child goes missing, this information can provide law enforcement with precious time and information in their search for the child.
The American Red Cross will also be holding a blood drive. Call 1-800-448-3543 to make an appointment to donate.
For more on this story, check back at www.spotlightnews.com, or read the May 22 print edition of the Malta Spotlight.“