Glenville residents expressed concerns about a proposed townhouse development at the Monday, April 21, Planning and Zoning Committee meeting.
The proposed 44-unit development on 7 acres of Yates Farm land on Maple Avenue near the intersection of Alplaus Avenue has prompted storm-water runoff and traffic concerns.
Town Planner Michael Burns said he has received calls from neighbors of the parcel who feel the units would be in a location that is already congested with traffic.
Residents along Maple Avenue are concerned with the traffic they already have. This is a heavily traveled area with commuters and shoppers, said Burns.
Burns said there is currently a project in place that will improve the intersection between Maple Avenue and Alplaus Avenue and the county’s Transportation Improvement Program has promised $1 million to help fund the project.
Chris Myers of Concord Development, which is overseeing the project, said the developers plan to talk with residents about improvements in the works as well as improvements Concord Development can make to help alleviate traffic.
`We plan to give the concerned residents answers they need,` said Myers.
Also discussed by the commission is a revised plan by Nigro Companies to reconstruct a plaza across from Price Chopper on Route 50. The commission had approved a plan last year that included a bookstore, a Panera Bread and other specialty shops. The plaza was set to be constructed with a `Main Street` feel when plans fell through after Panera said profits were down. Panera told the town it was not financially sound for them to build another store with one already close by at Mohawk Commons. The plans approved Monday night will still hold multiple tenants, including a 2,700-square-foot Pioneer Savings Bank. Vice President of Nigro Companies Steven Powers said no other tenants have been confirmed at this time.
`We plan to start construction in the fall, after all the formalities are finalized,` said Powers.
The commission will meet again next month to continue talks regarding the Yates Farm project.“