There will be a special meeting of the Guilderland Public Library’s Board of Trustees on Thursday, April 24, at 7:30 pm, at the Guilderland Public Library to hear from Frank X. Craine, architect of Peter Gisolfi Associates, on the preferred concept plan for the possible future expansion of the 2228 Western Ave. library.
The meeting is open to the public and will be held in the library’s Normanskill Room.
The possible expansion is part of the process outlined by the community’s Growing for Generations Report which, in April 2007, noted that While the library has generally met the priorities set forth in the 2003 Strategic Long-Range Plan, there are limitations preventing (the library) from meeting other existing and emerging needs of the community for library services. These limitations are primarily related to space.
Furthermore, the report recommended, `The library should expand the existing building at the present site as the preferred strategy for meeting anticipated community need for library services. Expansion is possible because of the library’s earlier land acquisition.`
The full text of the Growing for Generations report is available online at the library’s Web site at“