Commuters can expect delays on Route 85 and New Scotland Road for the next three months.
The state Department of Transportation closed Maher Road in Slingerlands today between Route 85 and New Scotland Ave to complete construction of that section of roadway. There are currently signed detour routes along Route 85 and New Scotland Avenue, but drivers are being actively encouraged to find alternate routes.
Road crews will be working on Maher Road between Route 85 and New Scotland Road, and will be reconstructing the existing Route 85 from the Cherry Avenue intersection to the Normanskill Bridge. New sidewalks will also be installed on the east side of New Scotland Road.
The closure is expected to last three weeks, depending on weather and other factors, according to the Town of Bethlehem Web site.
Please have patience as NYS DOT continues to make our roadways safer and more efficient for your travels, says a notice on the town Web site.
The state’s Department of Transportation resumed the Slingerlands Bypass project on April 7 with a finish date expected on June 30, according the project’s engineer, Charles Pafundi.
`We’re in the second year of a two-year project,` Pafundi said. `Last year, we extended (Route) 85 and built four roundabouts.
Delays can be expected Monday through Saturday, from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., until the projects completion at the end of June, said Pafundi.
The state Department of Transportation is overseeing the project.“