If you travel on Route 85 in Slingerlands, expect delays for the next three months.
The state’s Department of Transportation is scheduled to resume the Slingerlands Bypass project on Monday, April 7, with a finish date expected on June 30, according the project’s engineer, Charles Pafundi.
We’re in the second year of a two-year project, Pafundi said. `Last year, we extended 85 and built four roundabouts.`
The difference this year, according to Pafundi, is that the extension project created a new road last year and did not interfere with traffic, but existing roadway will be worked on this year resulting in some delays.
`You can expect delays Monday through Saturday, from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.,` said Pafundi.
The state’s DOT, not the county or the town, is overseeing the project.
Road crews will be working on Maher Road between Route 85 and New Scotland Road and will be reconstructing the existing Route 85 from the Cherry Avenue intersection to the Normanskill Bridge. New sidewalks will also be installed on the east side of New Scotland Road.
Delany Construction of Mayfield will be performing the work. It is the same company that installed the roundabouts last year, Pafundi said.
Delays will most likely be caused because of lane closures due to resurfacing and other improvements during construction. Pafundi said single-lane traffic will be common during the three months of work.
According to the work schedule, Maher Road will be closed down starting on April 14 and traffic will be diverted through detours. New Scotland Road will also be closed for two weeks in May.
`They have to have the work completed within 14 calendar days or they will be penalized financially according to their contract,` Pafundi said of Delany Construction’s work. He added that he doubts there will be any delays in finishing up the project.
Supervisor Jack Cunningham said he is happy to see the project progress and that it will be finalized by the end of June.
`They’ve done a good job,` he said.“