In an effort to move forward with the updating of Jenkins Park, the park’s advisory board has requested to meet with the Ballston Town Council in March, to discuss the park’s goals for the spring.
There has been a breakdown in communication in the past, said Sue Macejka, advisory board chairwoman.
Although a date has not been set for the joint meeting, the town council acknowledged the importance of working with the advisory board to fix up the 55-year-old park.
`I think it’s really important that we get both boards together so that we can flesh out some issues and get back to maintaining the park,` said Ballston Supervisor Patti Southworth.
Macejka said she would send out a notice to the 450 families residing in the park district regarding the joint meeting when a date is set.
Several people have contacted Macejka about everything from organizing a Web site to providing new sand for under the swings.
`I don’t want the attention or enthusiasm to go away,` she said.
Macejka provided the council with an agenda the advisory board would like to work on through the spring at the town’s agenda meeting Tuesday, Feb. 26. The list includes ridding the park of poison ivy, repairing the water drainage from the pavilion and evaluating the condition of swings.
Council member Kim Ireland requested that the advisory board determine a few large-scale projects that they would like to see completed so that the council could consider these projects in the future.
`I think we all want to make the park a wonderful place,` said Southworth.
Jenkins Park came to the forefront of town council debate when council members made a motion to table the reappointments of two Jenkins Park Advisory Board members at the town’s organizational meeting Thursday, Jan. 3.
The reappointments of Peter Petrillose and Arelene Ida were tabled again during a Thursday, Feb. 7, town council meeting after Deputy Town Supervisor George Seymour asked for the consideration on the resolution to reappoint Petrillose and Ida, and no one on the council responded.
After a review of town records last month, it was determined that Petrillose was not up for reappoint to the advisory board this year. His term does not expire until Dec. 31.
Macejka said Ida’s reappointment date typically coincides with Petrillose, and that the town is looking into the specifics of her reappointment.“