Fifteen teams of four took part in Maple Ski Ridge’s fourth annual ski and snowboard relay race The Ridge Goes Red to raise money for the American Heart Association’s `Go Red for Women` campaign.
The event, which raised a total of $6,800 for the American Heart Association, started on the night of Friday, Feb. 8, with a kick-off dinner. Skiers hit the slopes at 7 p.m. Friday and continued their outdoor adventure until 7 p.m. on Saturday Feb. 9.
The 24-hour event also featured a midnight snack, a hot breakfast in the lodge, and an auction of items, including a bicycle from Plaine and Son in Schenectady. Paper hearts were also available for purchase.
Marilyn Peterson, general manager of Maple Ski Ridge, said that being open for 24 hours straight meant rotating staff members and volunteers to keep everyone fresh.
`All our regular staff has to be here and our ski patrol is working eight-hour shifts,` said Peterson. `We also have 16 volunteers who are helping with other functions like our raffle and the setup and tear down at dinner and breakfast.`
`We like snowboarding and skiing and we’re here to help out and have fun,` said Kristin Webster, 14, of Rotterdam. Webster and her teammates Julianna DeLorenzo, 14, and Morgan Umholtz, 13, raised $200 for the American Heart Association.
Teams paid a $60 entrance fee.
The team of Jackie O’Brien, Mariah Baldwin, Ashley Baldwin and Lynssay Battaglia completed 993 runs during the 24-hour period, the most of any team.
The team of James Jaster, Alexander Kaezor, Jesse Ross and Alexander Chiaravalle, raised the most in pledges, donating $610 to the `Go Red for Women` campaign.
The American Heart Association’s `Go Red for Women` campaign educates women about heart disease and stroke. Heart disease and stroke are the No. 1 and No. 3 killers of women older than 25.
`Skiing is a great physical activity,` said Ashley Edwards, executive director of the Capital Region Chapter of the American Heart Association. `But not everyone can ski. We recommend 30 minutes of physical activity five to six days per week.`
Founded in 1924, the American Heart Association is the nation’s oldest and largest voluntary health organization dedicated to building healthier lives, free of heart disease and stroke. Cardiovascular diseases claim nearly 870,000 lives a year. In fiscal year 2006-07, the association invested more than $554 million in research, professional and public education, advocacy and community service programs.
For information about the American Heart Association, call (800) AHA-USA1 or visit“