At the Guilderland Central School District Board of Education’s Tuesday, Jan. 22, meeting, the board discussed upcoming school events and formed a committee to research the possible purchase of two new vehicles.
The Chevrolet Suburban sport utility vehicles the district is considering would be used jointly with the Albany-Schenectady-Schoharie-Saratoga BOCES for transportation of children with special needs. Each sports utility vehicle is expected to last seven to eight years.
The resolution, which passed 8-to-0, allows the district to participate in a committee that will accept unsolicited bids from dealers and other participating car sales outlets. The bid system is sealed, meaning that all bids must be opened in front of the committee.
Other news and events discussed at the meeting include:
Altamont Elementary School has started a student-published newsletter called the AFT: Altamont Free Road. In the publication, students will write articles on school events and feature stories, including interviews of fellow students and parents. The newsletter will also include a fun page with a brainteaser and word search.
The Guilderland High School Music Department will be holding an annual concert, Pops Salutes American Music. The concert, organized by Lori Hershenhart, music supervisor, will be held Saturday, Feb. 2, at 7:30 p.m. in the high school gym.
Choir, band and orchestra ensembles, with more than 350 students, will perform. Eighth-grade students acting as waiters ` eighth-grade students, will serve refreshments.
Tickets are $6 and can be purchased by contacting Hershenhart at 861-8591, ext. 1106, or at the Guilderland High School store.
The high school is also hosting the Parent and Wellness Fair on Feb. 27 from 6 to 8:30 p.m. This free event will feature more than 40 vendors, music, food, sports and wellness demonstrations as well as some fun for kids.
While parents are attending information seminars with physicians on health and medical issues, kids are invited to participate in physical activities like games, sports and Dance Dance Revolution ` a video game where kids follow colors on the screen with an electronic foot pad as a form of dance.
For more information and a list of activities and speaker, visit the Guilderland School District Web site at
The board members appointed the following five people to the Citizens Budget Advisory Committee: Anderson Bryan, Yayin Chu-Reimer, Donald Csaposs, Karen Keane and Mark Owen. Yayin Chu-Reimer is the only new member, the rest have previously served on the committee. All members were appointed with an 8-to-0 vote. “