Crowds packed Colonie’s Memorial Town Hall meeting room and foyer Tuesday, Jan. 1, for the swearing in of the town’s first ever Democratic majority.
More than 300 people met an hour before the 11 a.m. ceremony at Our Lady of the Assumption Church for morning Mass. A who’s who of Democrats, who represent the Capital District, both past and present, were on hand for the monumental take over. The event was marked with humor and elation as one by one, four newly elected Democrats took the oath delivered by Supreme Court Justices Joseph Teresi and Eugene Gus Devine.
`We began our campaign with one rule: that we were going to have fun,` said Supervisor Paula Mahan, shortly after taking her oath. `I am proud to stand here today and declare town of Colonie’s Memorial Town Hall an open house.`
Mahan was sworn in along with Democratic board members Nancy Hernandez, Robert Becker and William Carl. Town Justice Peter Crummey and Town Clerk Elizabeth Del Torto, both Republicans, were sworn in as well.
John J. McNulty was on hand to remind the newly elected majority of the obligations they have to serve the town. State Assemblyman Robert Reilly, D-Colonie, also spoke and thanked Mahan and her town board for `making a personal dream come true.`
All commented that the November election and New Year swearing-in were historic events and the time to set in motion the election platform of open government, accountability and fiscal responsibility was here.
November’s election was not about one person; it was about the residents who voted in the Democratic majority and made the call for change, said Mahan. Too many elected officials from Washington to Colonie have lost track of what it means to be an elected official, she added. The responsibility is something that can’t be taken lightly.
`Well done is better than well said,` Mahan said.
`It’s a new era for the town of Colonie. We are going to stand by what we stood by during our campaign. Fiscal responsibility and open government,` said board member William Carl.
Mahan has brought in a solid platform of new department heads and staff to see that through, he said. People have been put in the right spots.
The appointments were before the board Thursday, Jan. 3.
`If we work together, that is the town board working together, we can turn things around,` Carl said.
Remaining Republican board members J. Brian Hogan, Nicole Criscione-Szesnat and Tom With were not up for election this year. Both were in attendance at the swearing-in ceremony.“