Bucking partisan traditions, three Malta candidates announced they are working together as a team with the slogan: Hands across the parties.
The Rev. Peter Klotz, the town’s planning board chairman who swept the Republican primaries earlier this month to receive endorsement as a candidate for a town council seat, and Donna Gizzi, the incumbent Republican trustee who placed third in the primaries behind newcomer Tara Thomas, will be campaigning together from now until Election Day, along with town clerk candidate Cynthia Young. Gizzi is also endorsed by the Independence and Conservative parties.
Young, a 20-year resident of Malta, announced she will run for town clerk, and will campaign with Klotz and Gizzi. Young has been endorsed by the Democratic Party and the Working Families Party. Young’s past employment with the town of Malta includes as deputy town clerk, data collector for the Assessor’s office and Web master. Her volunteer activities include chairwoman for the Malta Youth Commission, member of the board of assessment review, and alternate on the zoning review board. Young serves as an officer on the Ballston Spa Education Foundation and is a member of the Malta Sunrise Rotary. This is Young’s third run against town clerk Flo Sickels.
All of the candidates have spoken about their wishes to promote an atmosphere of open government.
`My idea is to create an environment of cooperation and share the resources of the clerk’s office and the other offices of the town,` said Young. `I’ll work full time for the town and serve all residents of the town equally, and I will keep politics out of the town clerk’s office.`
Young said she hopes residents will realize the trio is linked by common goals, which supersede political affiliations.
`The theme is that working together is what Malta needs to continue to be a great place to live,` said Young. `It is about people, not parties.`
Gizzi has battled what some town residents have seen as negative campaigning in the recent Republican primaries, as 11th hour fliers and mailings questioned the scruples of current board members.
`There were untrue, negative fliers out there, and we’ve thought about filing complaints with the League of Women Voters, but that would be joining in the negativity,` said Gizzi, who was former town supervisor David Meager’s executive assistant for 15 years. `Infighting is not what we’re here for.`
Gizzi said she shares with Klotz and Young the desire to make decisions at the board level based on solid information and public input.
`We need to compile information from experts and make qualified decisions, and not back pedal and waste so many tax dollars,` said Gizzi. `Our job isn’t to fall in line and agree with everyone on the board; that’s not my job. My job is to represent people.`
Gizzi admitted teaming up with a Democrat is a risky move in light of not winning the Republican nod at the primary level.
`I’ll be kicked off the Republican committee, but I have nothing to lose at this point. My only goal is to be a fair-minded person,` said Gizzi. `I will be genuine, and let people know this board will do right for them. There will be a lot of effort between now and Election Day.`
There will be a rally and fundraiser to support the Cynthia Young for Malta town clerk campaign on Sunday, Oct. 14, from 3 to 6 p.m. at Bentley’s Restaurant on Route 9 in Malta.“