From Thursday, Sept. 20 through Sunday, Sept. 23, the Mohawk and Hudson River Humane Society will hold Feline Fest 2007.
Throughout the four-day event the usual adoption fee for cats will be reduced by 50 percent. On Thursday and Friday the shelter’s hours will be extended to 8 p.m. On Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. the Society will hold a cookout, including face painting for kids and discounted pet supplies.
Warm weather results in a large volume of mother cats and babies coming into the shelter, said Brad Shear shelter executive director. Known as kitten season the shelter can receive as many as 20 or 30 cats a day. Hundreds of kittens that were being raised in foster care are now old enough to be adopted, said Shear.
Each year unwanted births add significantly to the problem of overpopulation and the plight of homeless animals around the country. The failure of owners to spay and neuter their pets is one of the main causes cited by Shear. Such high numbers put a strain on the resources of local shelters that care for these animals.
MHRHS hopes this event will promote adoption and help many of their animals find homes.
Every adopter will also be entered in a drawing to win dinner at the Londonderry CafE and two tickets to the Bob Dylan and Elvis Costello concert at the Times Union Center on Saturday, Oct. 6.